Read on to learn about our community, and those brothers and sisters who live
Active Life, Contemplative Life, and as Associates.
Who are the Franciscans of Halifax?
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we consecrate our lives totally to God, committing ourselves to more closely follow Jesus Christ, who chose to be poor, chaste and obedient, in a stable form of living founded on the Franciscan spirit and tradition.
We dedicate ourselves, striving for the perfection of charity in our fraternal life and service to the Church, according to the Franciscan charism and service to anyone that God’s providence may send our way. In this way, we seek to serve the Kingdom of God on Earth and be a sign of the heavenly glory to come, to the honour of God, the building up of the Church and the salvation of the world.
In our community, members can be Contemplative, living in cloistered communities or hermitages, or Active, living in communities that may or may not be connected to parishes, participating in ministry in the world.
Central to our life as consecrated men and women are the evangelical counsels we profess: poverty, chastity, and obedience. In these, we follow Christ who was poor, chaste and obedient.
What is Our Vocation?
The charism of the Franciscans of Halifax is the Gospel. Namely, when we make temporary or final vows, we promise to observe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience, without anything of our own and in chastity.
“In the name of the Lord begins the life of the Friars Minor. The Rule and life of the Friars Minor is this, namely, to observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by living in obedience, without property, and in chastity.” Rule of St. Francis Ch. 1
We fulfill this gift and answer the call of the Holy Spirit by being a family that is gathered by our Lord Jesus Christ, dwelling in his presence and becoming therefore a seed of communion with God for everybody, wherever this family may go.
We strive to imitate Christ through living according to our religious vows. We especially value evangelical freedom, humility, minority, simplicity and itinerancy, serving God in all those we meet, whoever they may be; especially the poor, in body, mind or spirit.
We leave everything behind to offer our lives to serve and rebuild the Church, the Universal sacrament of salvation, for the glory of God the Father and the salvation of all humanity, fulfilling the call to the New Evangelization. One spiritual gift in our life is to be completely drawn towards contemplation and to be totally committed to community life and service to the Church.
Active Life
The Active brothers and sisters dedicate themselves and strive for the perfection of charity in their fraternal life and service to the Church, according to the Franciscan charism, and service to anyone that God’s providence may send to them. In this way they serve the Kingdom of God on Earth and they are a sign of the heavenly glory to come, to the honour of God, the building up of the Church and the salvation of the world.

Contemplative Life
The Franciscans of Halifax, in both Contemplative and Active Life, serve the Local Church, working in the name of the Church as they are mandated to, serving its spiritual and pastoral needs. Those who live as Contemplatives offer their life in silence to intercede in prayer for the Universal Church, the Local Church and their Active brothers and sisters. The contemplative members of our community have a particular call to foster a practice of personal prayer, as prayer is their specific call and ministry.


The Associates of the Franciscans of Halifax are members of the Christian faithful who profess the promises of obedience, chastity and simplicity.
They live in the world, having discerned the call to be consecrated to God according to the spirit of St Francis of Assisi, in the understanding of the Franciscans of Halifax.
They strive for the perfection of charity and seek to contribute to the sanctification of the world, especially from within, living in a single state and outside of a community or a fraternity. Like leaven, an associate strives to imbue all things with the spirit of the Gospel for the strengthening and growth of the Body of Christ, the Church.